Previously I've been using neovim alongside tmux for spinning up quick terminal session. But when I open new tmux pane or window, the layout of my screen is changed and it is kinda break my state of focus when writing code. I find it more pleasant to open terminal inside neovim directly as it doesn't change my current focus. I feel that I don't loose control of the things I'm working on.
The basic command to open built-in terminal is :terminal
, but it just open it on current buffer, which drags my attention away from the code I'm working, which is a no.
I want to open new terminal in a new split. I tried to mimic the behavior of vscode built-in terminal, that is to open new terminal at the bottom of the screen.
Basically I need to open new split, at the bottom of the screen, and call the terminal command. I also choose to create new command to do the thing.
command! Term :bot sp | term
I can also make new mapping for quicker action, but thinking about which key to use to trigger the thing is kinda time consuming and I don't wanna think too much about it right now, so I'll just use the command for a while.
Also, when opening a new terminal, the default mode is normal
mode, but when I open a terminal usually I want to just run a one time command, e.g. I need to run a test, or starting dev server, etc.
So I create new autocommand to automatically start insert mode when I open new terminal.
autocmd TermOpen term://* startinsert
The last thing I want to mention is, to scroll output of the terminal, I need to enter the normal
mode of the terminal, the default keymap is <c-\><c-n>
which is definitely awkward, so I came up with more sane adjustment.
tnoremap <Esc> <C-\><C-n>
But because I also use fzf, I don't want to remap the escape key when I'm opening fzf buffer. So I tweak it a little bit.
tnoremap <expr> <Esc> &ft == 'fzf' ? '<Esc>' : '<C-\><C-n>'
Now I can move around pretty easily.